First instameet of the year, and we went Tove Jansson Akebono Children’s Forest Park in Saitama. Pretty far, but distance never stopped me from attending these meetups.
The first time I heard about this park was from ‘Yama no Susume’ anime. The small park drew inspiration from Tove Jansson’s Moomin series, and there’s a small gallery for it in the park. I’ve been wanting to visit it for quite sometime but the distance kinda discouraged me from doing so. I heard this place look pretty spectacular during koyo season.
This was the old original park by the way; there’s another newer and bigger park coming soon at the time of writing.
Oh, the theme for this instameet was ‘Patterns’. OH BOY, time to fail hard at nailing the theme.

‘Patterns’ was the theme, and to be honest, I have no idea what I’m supposed to shoot; and to be fair, I don’t have a good record of paying attention to the themes. So, forgive me >_<
It’s a tough theme, but here are some of the pictures that I think suited the theme best.

Those are all the best patterns I could capture, I believe. I tried. I believe I did better than I expected.
Now, time for pictures that has nothing to do with the themes at all. Made new colour grade, and I’m kinda happy with the results (for now).

Next month, it’s film instameet; it’s been a while since I shoot film.