I’ve been busy with life (and Final Fantasy XIV).
Went to Anime Japan 2016 on March 26th to meet up with bunch of fellow event organisers, securing contacts and of course, official loots.
Just like WonFes 2016, I’m just going to drop the photos that I took at the event here, because, I can’t be bothered to write up proper piece for this.
Gosh, I really suck at running a blog now.

Been in Japan for more than 3 years and the sight of Tokyo Big Sight is still a sight of wonder.

Studio uses English for their leaflets to sell their product to broadcasters from all over the world. Grabbed these at the business area.

Of course, a huge promotional banner for the latest Macross, which still failed to impressed me so far

Sony was busy promoting streaming services on their consoles and of course, the upcoming PlayStation VR.

The event organisers partnered with some studios to provide such event food for event goers at the food area. We had to queue for one hour to get the food. No kidding. One hour for an average food-court class food, lol.

Something that my colleague would go nuts over. Gotta admit that artwork is very moe.

Love Live!, they will never stop haunting me.