Went to Wonder Festival (or WonFes) at Makuhari Messe in Chiba few weeks back on 7th Feb. Finally had the time to process the photos that I took from the event.

Met bunch of other Malaysians who were in town; Nabil, Chris and Fazri.
Wonder Festival is a garage-kit event, where hobbyist shows off their skillorz with sculptures of anything that liked. It’s also the best time for figure companies to announce their upcoming lineups and stuff.
I shall proceed my photo spammage now as I have nothing much to write.

You thought it’s gonna full of weaboo shits huh? Eat some Warhammer 40K, bitches.

I definitely would like to have this on my desk.

Hall full of hobbyist booths showcasing their best works.

Another hall full of commercial booths, showcasing their latest lineups.

Girls und Panzer Figmas

Chino figure prototype.

Megumi Katou 1:1 scale. The first time I saw it in pictures, honestly, it was pretty weird (and borderline creepy). However after seeing the figure myself, it’s actually pretty nice. She’s almost the same height as me. I prefer her with the other hairstyle though. She still looked creepy in photos.

I’m not a fan of the Cu-poche (pronounced kyu-po-che)series for the same reason with Figmas: them awkward joints. However, I can’t deny that they’re ridiculously adorable. Also, they have accessories made with actual fabric.
If I have a daughter, I’d buy them these instead of barbie dolls.
But seriously, them gawd damn joints.

Cu-poche lineups at Kotobukiya’s booth.

Rei Cu-poche prototype.

One of the main reasons I came to WonFes is mainly for the Nendoroids (the other main reason would be the awesome garage-kit showcase).

Still trying to figure out how those inside the costumes see outside.

I’m pretty sure all those boxes would fill up my bedroom entirely.

All of the Miku nendoroids.

The evolution of Nendoroid packaging design. Whoever designed the latest box is a brilliant designer.
As I mentioned before, I went to WonFes mainly for the nendoroid. Good Smile Company released a special version of Miku and there’s only 3000 of it. Did I manage to get it?
Well, let me end this post with a picture.

Yes. I did. Special thanks to my friends who helped me on this. Laughed so loud that I almost changed the universe’s cosmological constant.