Anato no Warehouse (or just Kawasaki Game Park) is an amusement centre that’s designed to look old, rusty and worn down.

Joined Lawrence and Ayu to explore this place that I only found out 3 minutes before entering the building (okay, to be fair, I’ve heard about it, but didn’t know that it was like.. two stations away from home lol). Plus, it was Ayu’s last day in Japan before she flew back to Poland.
So, Anato no Warehouse. It’s hard to miss the building from the outside with it’s rustic metallic look. Inside, you’ll be transported into ye old Kowloon Walled City; complete neon lights and rust. No, it’s not cyberpunk; just felt like Hong Kong in the 80’s.
There are various arcade machines from retro to new, pool tables, token based gambling machines and the rest of the usual stuff that you see at a typical large amusement centre.

Clearly there were a lot of hidden spots that I missed in the centre, so I’m definitely going to hit that place again sometime in the future. Kawasaki is just two stations away from home, so yeah, pretty close.
After we’re done with Kawasaki, we went to Mizonokuchi to look for (read:sneak into) a certain residential building with a very interesting looking emergency stairwell.
At first glance at some of the photos, some might think that I climbed into a Large Hadron Collider.

The weather was starting to get hot, as summer is kicking in slowly. Hence, obligotory ice-cream.
It was a fun day, although it was slightly sad to see that Ayu had to go back to a “cooler” country, and leave us roast in this toasty Japan lol.