Wind Chimes; I’ve seen way too many of these on my instagram feed and my FOMO intensifies. So, I’ve decided to look for wind chimes.

I usually clock into work at noon, so I have the entire morning to do anything I want. Can’t go Kawagoe during weekdays because it’s too far. But I really wanna shoot some glass wind chimes with my sweet, sweet lens.
So, I went to Nishiarai Daishi Soji Temple in Adachi. Apparently they had a lot of glass wind chimes in the area too, although it’s not as many as the one in Kawagoe. No matter, the temple is less an hour away from home; it’s better than nothing.

They had an area where they were selling wind chimes that comes in various form, shape and material; however most of it were made with glass. It was a pretty windy day, so the wind chime noise were pretty loud. Did I say ‘noise’? No, not noise, pretty calming sound honestly (but it’s not the type that your neighbour would appreciate, maybe).
Here’s a short video of it. I’ll let you be the judge of it XD
I almost bought one myself, but eh, maybe next time.
Enough of texts, here are some of the photos that I took from the short morning trip.

I’ll visit Kawagoe sometime in the future, probably with someone wearing Yukata; because that would be very instagrammy.